Join us
If you would like to join us, please contact the secretary for details of rehearsals:
Join us! We are singing every Wednesday at 7.30pm
​We are back to weekly meetings in person! We meet every Wednesday in the Methodist Church in Tanner Street. We would love to hear from you if you:
are at least 15 years of age (subject to parents' permission if under 18)
enjoy singing
enjoy a wide variery of musical styles (or would like to get to know some)
live in or around Thetford, Norfolk
Bursaries for young people in full-time education are available!
To join us, please contact the secretary at secretary@thetfordsingers.org.
Thetford Singers aim to keep your personal details safe. Please read our Data Protection Policy
Thetford Singers are committed to the safeguarding of all our members. For details, please read our Safeguarding Policy.
Thetford Singers acknowledge that the pandemic is not over and have put measures in place to keep memebers as safe as possible.